Children picking out materials for their artwork.

The most popular material of the program.

While running the program I always try and introduce something new during every session. Last year we received a lot of incredible and useful arts and crafts supplies. Lots of paper, from regular cardstock in every color under the sun to holographic paper en crepe paper.  Let’s not forget the googly eyes, colored felt, and glitter glue, to name a few. Can you guess what the most popular material of the program is?

Being frugal pays off.

A little boy doing arts and crafts while standing in an uncomfortable looking position.
This way of standing must add to his focus, don’t you think so?

Over time I have learned that an overload of materials can feel overwhelming for the children. They often don’t know where to start, especially when it’s something they’ve never used or even seen before.

Some children think they need everything to make their masterpiece—not just one glitter marker, but every color in the box. And they prefer to hold onto them all, just in case they might need that perfect shade of sparkle at some point. It’s honestly quite adorable.

My goal is to make our supplies last as long as possible while ensuring they’re enjoyed by everyone. And that pays off in more ways than one.

Sharing is caring.

Typically, we have around 10 children in a group, which allows me to give each child the attention they deserve. Sometimes, though, we have more — at some point we had 16! I’m still not sure how that happened, but I do know it was quite the challenge at times.

Encouraging the children to share teaches patience, respect for others’ needs, and the importance of taking turns. Plus, it helps me regulate the amount of material available during each session. Check out my blog on the importance of presenting materials clean and tidy here.

What is the most popular material of the program?

If I asked you to guess what the most popular material is, what would your answer be? Glitter glue is a big favorite, so are markers, especially the glittery ones. And yes, popular by everyone.

3 girls fully focused on their artwork making
Paper, and markers in full action mode.

But none of those are at the top of the list. The most popular material? It’s paper—but not just any paper, scrap paper!

In my quest to be economical, I started saving small pieces of paper left over from other projects, like cutting out rockfish, for example. I tossed these scraps into a container and brought them out at the next session. I didn’t expect the enthusiasm that followed! The children eagerly dove into the scrap paper container, carefully selecting the perfect type and color for their creations.

What started as a way to make the most out of our supplies has now become a beloved part of our routine. I’ll even admit that when we don’t have enough scraps, I’ll cut up new sheets just to keep the excitement going. In the end, we make great use of every piece of paper.

Ways of using scrap paper.

The younger children, around 6 to 8, haven’t yet been influenced too much by social media, or the need for their artwork to be “perfect.” What is perfect, anyway? I love watching them create using only their imagination with the materials at hand.

Seeing their eyes light up when they find paper with glittery hearts or golden holographic designs, is such a joy. So is looking at them rummaging through the entire container to see if there’s more of the same.

A collage with pictures of children making art with scrap paper.
Art made with the most popular material in our program.

In one of our programs, there was a little boy on the autism spectrum who had a fascination with shapes. He never cut the scraps to suit his needs; instead, he spent time searching for squares, circles, or triangles. Often, he’d enlist the help of Debbie, one of our volunteers, to find the perfect shape for him that day.

The joy of creating.

In the end, it’s not the most extravagant materials that bring the greatest joy, but the simple act of creating. Whether it’s a small scrap of paper or a single glittery marker, the true magic happens when a child’s imagination takes flight.

Through these creative activities, children not only get to express themselves but also build confidence, realizing their unique ideas and creations matter.

As we continue to support these young minds, we celebrate the beauty in every tiny piece of paper and every shared moment of discovery. After all, it’s these small, heartfelt creations that leave the biggest impact.

If you, like us, believe in the power of creativity and want to help us keep boosting children’s confidence, please consider donating to our program. Your support helps us to keep providing these joyful experiences and encourages each child to believe in themselves and their creative potential.

with love, Marieke



You can help children in Dominica become empowered adults through creativity and build a strong foundation for the future!

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